Download Hindi Keyboard Layouts
Hindi Keyboard Layout Mappings
Remington (Typewriter)
For Krutidev, Devlys, etc.
Remington (GAIL)
For Unicode fonts (Mangal, for example)
Remington (CBI)
For Unicode fonts (Mangal, for example)
What are Hindi Keyboards ?
A keyboard is a primary input device for computers. A keyboard is composed of buttons used to create letters, numbers, and symbols and perform additional functions. A Hindi keyboard is used to input Hindi characters and letters on a computer. When we talk about Hindi keyboards, we mean keyboards that are capable of Hindi typing. Hindi-typing keyboards can be physical devices or virtual keyboard layouts.
What are Hindi Keyboard Layouts ?
Hindi keyboard layouts are keyboard mappings for virtual Hindi keyboards and are useful for typing and learning Hindi. There are different Hindi keyboard layouts based on different keyboard mappings. You can choose one based on your specific needs and download it.
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